

Paper Ceiling is small but powerful. We work with speed and passion to design solutions that work for you.

Our design is focused on working one-on-one with individuals, business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs to help transform their dreams and ideas into reality.

Design starts with a conversation, followed by ideation and a bunch of sketches before the final execution. This process develops a layered and thought-out concept for every single project.

With an expanding team of graphic, industrial and display designers, we create work that is artistic, meaningful and unique.

Let's have some fun. 


Phone: 518.488.8422

*The contact information displayed on project pages may not be accurate due to client privacy agreements. If you would like any further information about any of our clients, please contact us and we will get you in touch.


The Team

Christine Allen
CEO/Senior Graphic Designer

I love working with my hands and doing as much initial work away from the computer as I can. I'm always excited when I get the chance to develop a new skill that will enhance a piece I am working on.

I worked in the Manhattan advertising world for many years before moving to the Capital Region. I love the freedom I have upstate to hike, kayak and go on adventures.

Peter Ossi
Industrial Designer

I am constantly thinking and doing. With a background in industrial design and ten years of working with my hands, I’m excited to tackle any project, no matter the challenge.

Brian Jones
Creative Director

Brian Jones is an Industrial Designer focused on retail development, exhibition design, and product merchandising. Brian studies consumer engagement in a physical setting, innovative strategies for brand marketing, and the relationship between form, space, and color. In addition to design, Brian is constantly exploring creative endeavors as a painter and sculptor. His work incorporates the fusion between art and design, particularly through dynamic tension, balance of vivid colors, bold lines, and geometric collisions.

Sam Bruckman
Design Strategist

Sam is an interdisciplinary designer who has worked on projects at every scale from small table top products to timber frame buildings. Spending most of his time outdoors, he is passionate about utilizing design to increase access and connection to the natural world. Sam also enjoys employing traditional crafts and methods combined with modern technology and aesthetics to create innovative and unexpected solutions.

Buck, Tucker, Molly, Ollie and Pickle…

We all know they’re actually running the place.